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الرئيسية » Archeology Museum

Archeology Museum

Archeology museum

  • The museum’s secretary :Mr. Mustafa Osman
  • Archeology department is considered as a unit of a special nature, as it is one of the educational museums which aims at achieving number of important goals on the academic level such as:
  • Training role
  • The students are trained and prepared practically on the museum works

Develop the archeological awareness and the beauty sense through hosting the external visits

The museum plays very important role in the tourist activation

The museum’s location

The museum lies in the fourth floor at faculty of arts ‘building in the old campus, but the permanent headquarter is prepared in the new campus

The museum was inaugurated in 2005 and there are 674 archeological pieces in it, most of them are granted from Dr Henry Ameen Awad

The museum also consisted of a well prepared hall for the museum data show

As the museum includes 17and 9 in addition to the open show like gravestones

The museum contents

The museum includes different pieces of different materials and ages. These pieces go back to the pharos age to the roman age till the Christian age and all the historical periods of Islamic age since the to the Osman age.

The following table displays the number of the preserved pieces at the museum:

N age Number of pieces
1 pharaoh 15
3 Byzantine 10
4 Christian 20
5 Islamic 539

The studies which were conducted on some of the museum contents:


Scientific researches

  • Research of professor Mohamed Abd el-Sattar Osman, an emeritus professor at Islamic archeology department under the title :study through publishing nine gravestones in Sohag
  • 2- Research of professor Mohamed Abd Allah Maroof, a professor at excavation department under the title ”treat and maintain one of the pieces of the textile
  • Research of professor Mohamed Abd Allah Maroof, a professor at excavation department under the title new technique in museum show and store of the
  • Research of professor Sayed Albakhshongy,a professor at excavation department under the title technical and archeological study for a number of Coptic preserved textures
  • Research of professor Mohamed Abd Allah Maroof, a professor at excavation department under the title, technical analysis for the textile
  • Research of professor Mohamed Abd Allah Maroof, a professor at excavation department under the title, maintain the remains of an archeological and prepare it for the museum show
  • Research of professor Abd el-Nasser Mohamed Hassan Yassin, a professor at Islamic department and the dean of faculty of archeology
  • 8-reserch of assistant professor Faheem Fathy Ibrahim, a n assistant professor at Islamic department, study and publish of rare coin
  • Research of assistant professor Wafaa Sayed Sharaf, under the title Egyptian Islamic civilizational participations in medicine and surgery and the influence of that on the human civilization in the light of studying number of surgical instruments.


Scientific Theses’

1 Master degree granted to the researcher Ahmed Mahmoud Mustafa, a demonstrator at excavation department under the title maintenance and excavation two templates of the metal antiques

2-PHD dissertation presented from the researcher Ahmed Mahmoud Mustafa, an assistant lecturer under the title evaluation and follow up of the environmental circumstances which surrounded the metal monuments

3- PHD dissertation presented from the researcher Ahmed Abd el-Mutaleb Mazen, an assistant lecturer at excavation department under the title use the nonionic surface cleaning Martials which are selected in cleaning some archeological dyed tapestry textures )”.